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Data Access Scenarios

Applications need an access token to access the endpoints of the KST platform. In accordance with the OAuth 2 terminology, we call those applications “clients”. Clients need to be registered at the KST platform (or to be more precise: in the KST platform’s Keycloak instance by a KST platform admin).

The OAuth 2 protocol supports several flows. Flows are ways to retrieve an access token. In the KST platform we use the following two flows: Client Credentials Flow, Authorization Code Flow. In the KST platform, we do consider other flows, like for example the Device Flow (similar to the Authorization Code Flow).

With this technical background, we can differentiate the following scenarios for data access/ getting an access token that can be used to access data:

Note: all of these scenarios take both the user and the client into consideration. A possible alternative is to consider the user only, i.e., the consent is given to the user, and thus, the user can use any client (software).

In our KST Platform, we support only the following scenarios: